Computerized Unique Identification Number (CUIN) of the Company with SECP:
National Tax Number:
Registered Office Address:
FFBL Power Company Limited FFBL Tower, C1/C2, Sector B, Jinnah Boulevard, DHA II, Islamabad
Power Plant Site Address:
FFBL Power Company Limited, EZ/I/P-1, Eastern Zone, Bin Qasim, Karachi – 75020 Pakistan
Tel (Head Office):
+92 51 876 3325
Tel (Plant-site):
992 21 34724500, 34243333-5
Fax (Head Office):
+92 51 876 3305
Fax (Plant-site):
+92 21 34724530-31
Name of Auditors:
M/s EY Ford Rhodes, Chartered Accountants
Name of Legal Advisor:
M/s Jamal & Jamal Advocates